Rollerdor Ltd

Garage Door Price Calculator

Supply, installation and maintenance of garage doors across the UK

Build Your New Garage Door

Start configuring your new garage door here.

We need your postcode so that we know whether we can offer our installation services in your area, and so that we can accurately calculate any delivery fees.

Enter your postcode, or alternatively get in touch with us directly to discuss your requirements.

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Full fitting service or DIY fitting available!

No hidden costs! you pay what we quote!

Minimum 2 year warrantyOn all garage doors

Garage Door Price Calculator

Rollerdor Ltd Garage Price Calculator

Rollerdor Ltd offer high quality doors constructed out of strong and robust materials. One of the most common questions we get asked here is how much are your garage doors? And it’s a fair question! You may be surprised by just how affordable our garage doors and installation services are.

We’re always striving to offer the most convenient and easiest service to all of our customers, and it is with that in mind that we’ve constructed a reliable and accurate garage door price calculator. Simply input your garage door sizes (consult our measuring guide here), your preference for a DIY installation or our own professional service and the side the motor will sit on and we can tell you which door model will suit your garage and offer a quoted price, including VAT – and, the best part, as long as the details you input are all correct then whatever quote we give you is the price you’ll pay. No hidden costs, simply a straightforward method of calculating the costs of our services.

Once you’ve got your quote either buy direct from our shop or get in contact with us to arrange the next step. We’ll be waiting for your call.

Garage Doors Prices

Here at Rollerdor, we understand that every garage is unique and every property has different requirements. With this in mind, it’s no surprise that garage door prices differ depending on a number of factors.

The size of and measurements of your garage door will impact the roller garage door prices that you receive – which is why we always strive to bring you transparent and accurate pricing from the first time you interact with us.

Our unique garage door calculator will provide you with accurate electric roller garage door prices, giving you peace of mind that you’re fully aware of all the costs. To find out more about our garage door prices, use our price calculator above or get in touch with our team today.

Our customers love us

Providing the highest quality products without surprising you with any hidden costs or charges

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Garage Door Price Calculator

What Makes A Rollerdor

Made from double-skinned aluminium with high density, foam filled insert for effective insulation.

  • Improved insulation
  • Strong physical barrier
  • Highly secure and effective deterrent for break-ins
  • Reduced sound pollution
  • Quiet, smooth functionality
  • Protection against volatile weather
  • Increase protection from UV and infrared rays
  • All parts are made from powder-coated or painted aluminium
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